MyFlix App using MERN

Movie Database, API and Client using MongoDB, Express, React and Node

This is a project that explores the fundamentals of server side and client side programming. This was a starting and learning point for me to prepare for building a small Cheese Database App.

Server Side Fundamentals

There were a number of fundamentals to learn or review for the server-side programming. I will be expanding more on this soon. The GitHub repository for the API can be found here.

Client Side Fundamentals

For the client-side will be expanding more on this soon (especially styling improvements) but for the moment I will share below some early screen captures of the fully-functional app using a very basic UI design for now. The GitHub repository for the Client can be found here.

The UI design is minimalistic in order to get comfortable with the libraries and frameworks. Once complete, this work will be used to rebuild a similar application where a user can browse through data about cheese.

Main View

The user can register and set their password, browse and search movies by title, add or remove movies to and from favorites list, update their user information and change their password.

MyFlix Landing Page

This is a drill-down of movie information, as an experiment working with flexbox to display information differently.

MyFlix Landing Page

A very simple view of director information.

MyFlix Landing Page

A very simple view of genre information.

MyFlix Landing Page

The link to the live app can be found here